Acupuncture for Headaches and Migraines

Acupuncture has always been a popular choice for people suffering with headaches and migraines –  in 2016 however I’ve really noticed a huge increase in the number of people coming to see me, so time I sat down and wrote about how I use acupuncture to...

Acupuncture and Lower Back Pain

This year I have seen an increasing amount of people in the clinic with lower back pain (LBP). It’s a pretty vague term – there’s a lot going on connecting to the back; the spine, back muscles, pelvic muscles, muscles and tendons in the legs and the...
Anxiety and Acupuncture

Anxiety and Acupuncture

More and more people seem to be turning to acupuncture to help with low level anxiety in their lives. Everyone experiences anxiety to some degree or another – and usually not without reason, trepidation before a big unknown journey or at a job interview perhaps....

Lower Back Pain Clinic – Thursday 6th March

This year Acupuncture Awareness Week (AAW) runs from March 3rd – 8th. The focus nationwide is on back pain and support comes from the dancer Camilla on BBC’s ‘Strictly’ – she uses acupuncture for her own back pain. NICE have recently...