About Kate.

Out of all the various disciplines within Chinese medicine, Kate focused on acupuncture as its range of applications are incredibly varied. Acupuncture can be used simply to address problems along the meridian – often resulting in physical pain and discomfort. Yet within the theory is a whole other dimension that accounts for both mental and emotional imbalances – a multipurpose tool which is adaptable to the individual. Alongside her degree in acupuncture she practiced Shaolin and Wisdom Qi-gong and received her diploma in Tui Na.

Since every person in Chinese medicine is just a little bit different from the next, every acupuncture session is a challenge and investigation into the client’s health right at that point! For Kate this means each day is never the same – something she hugely values about her work.
In her spare time, Kate enjoys keeping fit – running, cycling, squash, swimming and of course plenty of yoga! Kate raised funds for equipment and volunteered in a clinic in West Bengal. She also was involved in the setting up of Norwich’s first multi bed pain clinic through a grant awarded by Unlimited funding. She is the co-founder of The Norwich Natural Fertility Partnership. Her areas of interest include female related infertility, gynaecological complaints and MSK pain. She is mother to two small children and lives with her partner in Norfolk.
Kate is an approved health care provider working in Norwich, Norfolk with many insurance companies including: Aviva, Buck and Willis Healthcare Ltd., Clinicare, C.S. Healthcare, Forester Health, HealthShield, SimplyHealth, HSF, Legal and General Healthcare, Medisure, Pinnacle PLC, Royal and Sun Alliance Healthcare and Assistance, Standard Life Healthcare, Sun Alliance Health Insurance, Westfield and WPA.
07535 957577 – please leave a voicemail if calling during clinic hours.
01603 555206 – reception for The Norwich Natural Fertility Partnership.
3-6 Bagleys Court